Welcome to the American Legion Riders webpage. We are all proud to be part of the American Legion Family of Post 1977. We are a unique family of motorcycle riders of the American Legion, Legion Auxiliary, and the Sons of the American Legion dedicated to the purpose of the love of riding and supporting patriotic rider events. The American Legion Riders is not a motorcycle club (M/C) and does not practice M/C rules or regulations. The American Legion Riders are family-oriented, along with our parent organization of American Legion Post 1977.
We meet the 2nd Sunday of the month @ 11am, American Legion Post 1977.
Contact Information: americanlegionriderspost1977@gmail.com
Follow us on Facebook: https.//www.facebook.com/ALRPost1977?mibextid=ZbWKwL
Sponsored Activities: Annual Chili Cook-Off & Legion Rider’s Bikes Blues and BBQ
Mission Statement
Participate in parades and other ceremonies with the aims and purpose of the American Legion.
Promote motorcycle safety programs and to provide a social atmosphere for American Legion members who share the same interest.
Use our association to promote and support programs of the American Legion.
Director: Robb Scholp Asst. Director: Conrad Neioff
Treasurer: Marilyn Scholp Secretary: Chris Carpen
Chaplin: Melissa Blank Historian: Melissa Blank
Sergeant at Arms: Wayne Taccola Road Caption: Joe “Ratman” Kabella