Founded in 1932, Sons of the American Legion exists to honor the service and sacrifice of Legionnaires. As sons of parents and grandparents who served in the U.S. Military, we are dedicated to the patriotic principles of the American Legion Auxiliary Family.
The Sons of Thomas E. Hartung American Legion Post 1977 was formed in April 1997. We proudly sponsor many veteran fund-raising activities: Annual Golf Outing, Rib Cookoff, Flag Day retirement ceremony, Easter Egg Hunt, V. A. Veterans Home Manteno Christmas Party, and more.
We welcome you to join the Sons and Grandsons of legionnaires. For more information regarding membership requirements see tab National Resources. Membership applications are available at the Post. Contact us at salpost1977@gmail.com. Follow us on Facebook.
Mission Statement
The Mission of our squadron is to support veterans and their families, the youth of our community and the policies of Post 1977, The American Legion.
Commander: Dan Voltolino
Senior Commander: Tim Craft
Junior Commander: Ryan Myrda
Finance Officer: Chris Carpen
Adjutant: Chris Carpen
Chaplin: Babbit Ortega
Historian: Rich Lentz
Sergeant at Arms: Pat Johnston